Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help Improve Your Environment While You Sleep With Bamboo

Bamboo is a very soft fabric. It is naturally antibacterial and resistant to odors making it a great fabric for bedding and other cloth items. The bamboo fiber is naturally smooth and round without any chemical treatments. Many people who have allergic reactions to wool or hemp tend not to have problems with bamboo.

Bamboo grows easily and very quickly. It can grow up to 75 feet in 60 days or less. Once the plant is harvested there is no need for replanting because just like grass is keeps growing. Pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers are not needed for bamboo plantations eliminating contamination to the fabric and the environment. Bamboo retains water in the roots helping to reduce water pollution also making it easy to withstand droughts and floods. The roots of Bamboo help to improve soil quality and prevent soil erosion. Bamboo takes in 5 times as much greenhouse gasses as a field the same size of timber trees and releases 35% more oxygen. Bamboo bedding is 100% biodegradable and will decompose completely without producing methane gas or any of the by-products of decomposition common in landfills and dumps. The bamboo plant is boiled and crushed until the pulp is separated into thin fibers that can be spun into fabric. Bamboo fabric is very eco-friendly and beneficial to the environment.

Bamboo fabric can be compared to silk and cashmere but it is machine washable and wrinkle resistant. It is able to take in up to three times its weight in liquid wicking sweat away from the body. The fabric also holds its antibacterial feature through multiple washings, helping to reduce bacteria on the fabric and your skin. It also helps to eliminate any unpleasant odors and leaves you smelling sweet. This fabric can be worn in the summer keeping you cool and winter keeping you warm making it very versatile and comfortable. Because of the high quality of this fabric and its eco-friendly creation it has gained entry into the fashion industry.

Look for the soft, natural fabric of bamboo when shopping for your toddler and family bedding. By doing this you are helping to preserve and strengthen our beautiful mother earth while giving your family the very best in bedding and a most comfortable sleep. Once you have slept one night on this luxurious family bedding, you will not want another.

Visit Toddler Bedding Express for more information on Bamboo bedding and other bedding products.

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